Tips for the holiday season

Why do risks increase at this time of the year?

The summer months are a busy time of year for the retail sector. Extended trading hours and an increased number of shoppers creates a busy and often stressful environment for pharmacy staff. Not surprisingly, this results in a significant increase in insurance claims for:

  • Slips and trips due to crowding and poor housekeeping
  • Dispensing errors by pharmacists exposed to frequent interruptions and distractions
  • Breaches in patient privacy when good record keeping and dispensing practices aren’t followed
  • Thefts by opportunistic shoppers who capitalise on preoccupied staff
  • Armed hold ups by thieves aware retailers are holding more cash and stock than usual
  • Burglaries by those looking for higher stocks of perfume, medications and specialty goods

What can you do to reduce risk exposure?

Stop and think about the implications of a serious incident occurring in your pharmacy this holiday season. Communicate with all of your staff about the importance of:

  • Good housekeeping including checking more regularly for hazards
  • Reducing interruptions and distractions when pharmacists are dispensing medications
  • Adhering to good record keeping and dispensing practices despite increased demand for services
  • Checking that security alarms, lighting and CCTV are operating properly and that sensors are not obscured
  • Taking care with high risk stock. Don’t tempt thieves by storing desirable medications in areas visible to the public. Keep perfume and other expensive stock away from windows to discourage ‘smash and grab’ thefts.
  • Heightened security measures including protecting all entry points and ensuring staff adhere to correct procedures for opening and closing the pharmacy
  • Regular banking of cash earnings and the use of a time delay safe
  • Knowing what to do during and after an armed hold-up


For further advice and support, please contact Guild Insurance on 1800 810 213, or visit

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